Phuong Nguyen
Phuong Nguyen is an assistant professor with the research group Electrical Energy Systems at the TU/e department of Electrical Engineering. His research interests include applications of ICT in smart energy systems, distributed state estimation, control and operation of the power system, distributed and computational intelligence, and applications in the future power delivery system. He is a founder of the digital Power & Energy Systems lab (digi-PES) which aims to enable an energy transition from micro energy grids towards the future integrated energy system. This laboratory environment is a cyber-physical ecosystem for students and researchers to explore innovations in various energy-related aspects of (but not limited to) nano/micro-grids, local energy communities, local flexibility/energy markets, optimal power/energy flow, and congestion management. Hand-in-hand with emerging (big) data and Internet-of-Things (IoT) domains, such research provides a foundation for comprehensive data-driven and inter-dependency models of energy system integration. Website digi-PES: