Wim Maassen
Wim Maassen (1969) is a Senior Consultant Energy and Sustainability at Royal HaskoningDHV, an independent international engineering and project management consultancy company. Wim Maassen has an MSc degree in Applied Physics, PDEng degree in Computational Mechanics and is a certified BREEAM International Assessor.
He advises architects, developers and building owners on conceptual designs for new and existing buildings, and performs energy and sustainability assessments. Furthermore he stimulates developments in the area of Life Cycle Costing and Life Cycle Performance Design including (nearly) Zero Energy Buildings.
Wim Maassen is also appointed as TU/e Fellow at the Eindhoven University of Technology and works with the chair Building Services within the unit Building Physics and Systems of the Department Built Environment in the field of Life Cycle Performance Design. He sets up and supervises research projects and gives courses on Life Cycle Costing, Life Cycle Performance Design including (n)ZEB, Cradle-to-Cradle/ eco-effective design and Environmental Assessment Methods, e.g. BREEAM and LEED.
He is co-initiator of the NOW TTW SES-BE program, member of the steering committee as representative of the industrial partners involved and sub-project leader in program B / Theme 2.’